Saturday, August 8, 2009

The future looks bright.

I have officially made up my mind about what I am going to do with my life in 2010, here is my decision;

Work over the Christmas holidays, and try my hardest to save as much as I can. Then start University at the start of March, at USC- doing a ‘Bachelor of Social Work’, which is a 4 year full time course that will enable me to work with children and youth services, child protection agencies, rehabilitation centres, women’s organisations, defence forces, council, private practice, hospitals and many more things. Whilst I am at uni, I still want to do casual work at Flutter (and do some waxing courses) or wherever I can, so that I can keep saving money because over the summer break I want to travel over to London to visit Tara and Emma who will be living over there.

- oh i'm so excited.

1 comment:

Selah In The Night said...

This sounds positively AMAZING!!