I'm often left there thinking to my self; wow God has to be real, there is no way that something so beautiful just appeared one day and has no explanation. Maybe if every single day the sun set was the same i could believe that it just "appeared" there from a bang! But thats NOT the case at all. Every single day there is a different pattern or a different shape, some days the sky goes pink or purple or orange or yellow. It is so obvious that planning has gone into every intricate detal of the sun set.
If God put so much thought into the sun and the sky, i can only imagine how much he has planned for my life.

The days and seasons when i doubt Gods existence; i just look up to the sky and gaze at his creation. It always reasures me that there has got to be something out there thats bigger and more powerful than this world.
His creation leaves me Breathless.
"The heavens declare the Glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands"
- Psalm 19:1
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