Thursday, October 30, 2008

phrases for today

'oh how i love your presence my child. I have seen you in your darkness, in your hurt, in your misunderstanding. But i know your heart my child, for it is truelly only in my embrace that you will lose sight of yourself and as you look into my face the entanglements of this world shall fade away. So come into my arms beloved, run to me. My arms are stretched out to you saying; come come, run into my arms'

'Dont get discouraged my beloved, pain is a part of life but i promise you that i will turn every tear you've cried into joy and i will use your deep pain for a divine purpose, dont try to hide your hurts from me, i know everything about you. You are mine, my beloved. I'm the only one who can handle your heart and restore you too health and wholeness again. I too have felt great pain and rejection and anger but we can go through every trial together hand in hand, i will lead you back too my place of peace and joy after the storm, the sun will shine on you again and your heart will be healed. I promise you my princess that when you go through deep waters of great trouble i will be with you, when you go through rivers of difficulty you will not drown. Love your King and your Healer'


His Princess ! said...

this is beautiful liv<3 where did you find it?

Olivia Kimberley Spies said...

it is hey
um my friend sent it to me lastt year
so not sure
who is this sorry?
your blog page doesnt say your name